Area Rugs

Although it may seem like the area rug cleaning process would be the same as the carpet in your home or office, this is NOT the case. Many high end area rugs are constructed of fibers that respond differently to cleaning than the tradition home and office carpet would. We take the appropriate precautions to ensure your area rugs are not damaged in the cleaning process. With our high-end cleaning products and professionally trained technicians, your area rug is safe with us!.

A thorough inspection of your area rug is done before any cleaning ever takes place! After the inspection, our trained technicians will determine the best method of cleaning for your area rug. Depending on the type of area rug you need cleaned will determine where we need to clean the rug. In some situations we can clean your area rug on location. With certain higher end area rugs it may be necessary for us to clean it at our shop. For more information please call or fill out our quote form.

Types of Rugs we clean:

Oriental, Wool, Silk, Persian, Fur, Antique, Sisal, Bearskin, Sheepskin, and more…

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